Our Purpose
We will improve the lives of the children in Queenstown and the surrounding Wakatipu Basin by providing quality music teaching, community music making plus performance opportunities.

We are now taking enrolments for Term 4 2023!
with an Orchestra, Ukulele Group, Guitar Group and a Choir!
Email us at: emma@turnupthemusic.co.nz to be referred to a teacher
fun fact: Justin Beiber is a trumpet player!
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the trombone concert!
Ncki Minaj played the clarinet at school,how cool is that?
the most expensive violin is worth over 16 million dollars!!
How many keys on a piano…70? 78? Or 88?
They are the oldest instrument of all, the first ones being made of alligator skin!
Katy Perry started singing when she was 9.
When you are playing the saxophone you cannot see your hands so it’s tricky and fun to play
something good to learn if you’re wanting to be in a band.
It plays the lowest notes of any instrument in the string family.
Paint or draw yourself playing an instrument to be in to win a term’s free tuition and instrument hire at the Turn Up the Music School.
How cool would that be?
There are two of these amazing prizes up for grabs so get arty.
- The piece of art can be created on A4 or A3 size paper.
You can use pencil, paint, felts or collage. - Each piece of art needs to have you and your favourite musical instrument as part of it. Maybe it’s the instrument you would like to learn to play.
- It must have your name and phone number on the back.
Entries must be with your teacher or posted to P.O. Box 194 Arrowtown on Friday 9th of August.
The posters will be collated by the Turn Up The Music Charitable Trust and a draw will result in two winners who will be notified the following week.
Any enquiries contact Roya Yavari at:
Get Involved
How can parents & the community support Turn Up The Music?
Spreading the word about us would be a great start.
We are eager to hear from any interested parties about all things musical.
Maybe you are interested in donating to the
Turn Up The Music Charitable Trust?
- Do you want to contribute some of your time or expertise?
- Do you want to make a financial donation?
- All donations are gratefully appreciated, as they will contribute to improving the lives of people in our community.